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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

haven't hosted a party yet?

Do you want to be the Host Of The Day? Here's what you should do.

1. Write an article about yourself like this. You can have as many backlinks as you like to your blog posts.
2. E-mail the article (with the a href tags of your links) at
Easy right? Send your article now, hosts are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.

3. I will send an email reply on what date is available for you to host the party.
4. As soon as you receive the email do the following:
     a. Write a post like this "i am now blabbing some stuffs about me".
     b. Schedule it to be published at 12AM on the date you are scheduled to host the party.

You might forget so,  as soon as you receive my email reply, you have to write the post and schedule the publishing on the date you are scheduled to host.

Don't forget to grab the badge and write an invitation post to your blog friends to join the fun!

Don't know yet what a blog party is? Read this.